Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Sick of your "DAM JOB" you need to go

I'm sick of my job and I'm ready to go
If you are really that sick of your job and you want to leave. realistically you can just tell them to kiss your ass. You have to have a plan. below are a few ideas to start. 

Obviously this won’t tell you, specifically, what you should do next; but it will clear the way for you to start down a different road. Whether you want to:
  • Quit your job and pursue a new career path
  • Go back to school
  • Start your own business
  • Stick it out for a few more years of work
The underlying principle that helps you achieve retirement success is the rule that says you will have to pay to play the game. You’ll have to do some things you don’t like or that aren’t easy.
Once you embrace that, you can set your focus on what you’re willing to sacrifice to get what you ultimately want.   In a sense, weighing your options based on the price you'll have to pay and the final reward you may reap... a step designed to filter out some of the competing responsibilities in your life and narrow your focus even further.
The second crucial step is to analyze your habits. It’s been said that first we make our habits and then our habits make us... and  if you’ve been working for 30 years or more, it’s a habit pretty much ingrained in your life. However, instead of worrying about whether you should give it all up for something else, look at work as a habit you’ll have to slowly break and replace (you don't have to change your situation or retire cold-turkey).
Adopting this attitude will lessen the burden of facing such a major decision, and starts you down an open path by introducing new habits, such as enrolling in a college course, taking a weekend job with a new career in mind, or exploring start your own business.  
books or attending events to learn how to
Another key practice that needs to be addressed before you make a major life or career change is the habit of complaining. At times, we all forget about the many good things we already have, and what they provide for us. So let me impart a stern warning to those heading into retirement: A negative view on life or constant complaining can overtake your life no matter what you do.
That means if you are in the habit of looking at the glass as half empty, and don’t acknowledge the blessings you have, you’ll never have a problem finding things to complain about in retirement or in another career.
Therefore, before you make a switch to doing something different, practice being positive and seeing opportunities instead of hurdles. If may just give you some new found appreciation for not only what you’re doing now, but for everything you plan to do.READ MORE

I hope you get value from this 

Thursday, April 25, 2019

6 Tips: The best way to make your video and build your business

If you are really that afraid of making a video then don't watch this one

In the video about I share my Fotomat for creating a video the right way.More free business strategies see below

The Most Effective Way How To Market Online Using Video

1. Don’t be “too good” for marketing

I almost didn’t put together a marketing plan. Because what if I did all this marketing, and then the video still flopped? That would’ve been embarrassing. Then I realized how stupid that was.

If you put all this effort into your video, why would you rely on luck for the last leg? Swallow your pride. Give your work a fighting chance. Put together a marketing plan. This article will show you how.

2. Understand how things go viral on the internet

You see videos on YouTube with millions of views and you wonder — where did they all come from?
Here’s how my video, Girl Learns to Dance in a Year went viral:

Day One: 80k views

Day Two: 800k views

  • Bloggers who had seen it on Reddit the day before started publishing articles about it. First Kottke. Then blogs like MashableJezebel, and Huffington Post.
  • Blogs drove a ton of traffic. Each blog is a giant marketing engine with millions of readers and twitter followers. It’s in their interest to get the article as many views as possible, because each view is an ad they can serve up. Understand how the money flows. It’s all about clicks and advertising dollars.

Day Three: 1.8 million views

  • It made the YouTube frontpage. I’m not sure how it got there, but I suspect the blogs were sending it so much traffic that YouTube’s algorithms picked up on it.
Try many things. You only need one of them to pay off in order for your video to go viral. For me, that thing was Reddit. Your thing might be different. Your goal is to get major blogs to write you up, because their marketing power is ridiculous.

3. Release on Monday or Tuesday

People watch YouTube videos when they’re at work. They read the news at work. Release your video on Monday or Tuesday to give it the whole week to gain momentum. Weekends are speed bumps.
I chose Tuesday because people are busy catching up with email on Monday. I got lucky with the timing because there wasn’t any major breaking news that day. Releasing on a slow news day will help you.
Mind your holidays, too. Don’t release when people are not at the office.

4. Figure out who has a stake in your video

If your video takes off, who are all the people and companies who might want a piece of the action? These people can help market you.
My YouTube description was full of links to possible sponsors — to the Lululemon and American Apparel clothes I was wearing. To the Lift app I used to track my dancing. To the BART train station I danced at. To the music I danced to. They’re all things I genuinely believe in, so I was happy to send traffic their way.
I contacted all these companies and asked them to share the video. Some of them shared, some of them didn’t. Try them all.

5. None of this matters if your video isn’t good

You can get your friends to share. But only the strength of the content can get their friends to share. If you are serious about making good content, read Made to Stick.
Why will people share your video? People share things when they feel emotion. What emotion will your viewers feel?
Some emotions spread better than others. Emotions that spread: awe, excitement, amusement, anger, anxiety. Emotions that don’t: contentment, sadness. more tips here

Tuesday, April 23, 2019


Want to start a new online business?
 No idea how to grow your existing business?
 It’s time to stop wishing, and start doing!
 If there’s anyone who understands how frustrating it is to feel stuck in a rut, it’s me. I’ve been in your shoes, but I’ve also spent years researching exactly how to climb out of them and thrive! 
Hi I’m , Roslyn fase Online marketer I spent 27 years as a medical assistant wanting to be the boss of my own business. I can now say I found after all these years what I was looking for FREEDOM and now I am on a mission to help business owners just like you succeed beyond imagination. 
I’ve made almost every mistake you can think of, meaning I know what you need to do (and what you need to avoid) to find lasting success. My years of experience have given me all the insight I need to build a proven step-by-step system capable of teaching ANYONE to grow their own business online. This system is so easy to use, a child could get started with it immediately. I promise - it’s 100% idiot-proof, and I’m confident in my system’s ability to help you succeed, just as it has done for me and countless others!INTRODUCING THE FREE 5-STEP BLUEPRINTTO BUILD AN INTERNET BUSINESS TODAY!That’s right - there are only 5 simple steps to success.

 1. Pick a niche
 2. Create a website (we’ll help!) 
3. Promote your product 
4. Drive traffic 
5. GET PAID! This fully-automated and completely done-for-you turnkey system is a best-seller on ClickBank. 

Countless business owners just like you have used this winning system to find incredible success, and you could be next to turn your online business into a money-making machine! 

Don’t delay. Click here NOW to find out how you can gain instant access to this revolutionary step-by-step system. The sooner you start, the closer you’ll get to achieving your business goals. So

Monday, April 22, 2019

(Entrepreneurs WHO work from home) 7 Key to becoming successful in business

Entrepreneurs are all different. They all have a different entrepreneur mindset that contributes to their success. Their entrepreneur mindset might have to do with their personality or even the field in which they have chosen to work.

When figuring out your own approach to the challenges of entrepreneurship, it can help to learn from the experiences of others. 

 Mindsets of Successful Entrepreneurs

#1 Clearly define what it is that you want to do.
Very successful people care about their lives more than the average person. They take the time to analyze their lives, to look closely at their vision and their purpose in life. They put their lives on paper. They take the time to construct mental images that guide them on their journey.  While most people are winging it, they put their life mission and business vision and goals on paper.
They  have imagination. They pull their imagination up in their mind and then they define their vision and then they go to work. Night and Day!
#2 Protect and Manage your Time.
Successful Entrepreneurs Protect and Manage their time. How many people do you know that plan their day before it begins?
The most valuable asset you have is your time.  Plan your days, weeks, months, and years.
#3 Outcome Oriented
Have you known anyone that is absolutely driven to succeed?  No matter what the obstacle they keep going. And in most cases it is because they have extraordinary clarity on the outcome.
They took the time to clearly define what it is that they wanted to do. They stopped and thought about their life, and what it was that they wanted to accomplish and this gave them the drive to see the task all the way to its outcome.
#4 Deal with Actual Facts
Most people make their decisions about their life and careers from emotion and assumptions.  Successful entrepreneurs base their decisions from fact-based thinking.
Successful entrepreneurs strive to make accurate decisions rooted in Actual Facts.
#5 Live To Provide Value
Successful Entrepreneurs know that value must be given. And by providing value they know that value is to be returned.
They practice the Law of Reciprocity. They know for sure that what they give out they shall receive. Successful entrepreneurs do not expect something for nothing.
They are constantly working to make themselves valuable, which of course attracts the personal associations that lead to greater financial success.
Business training 

#6 Perform a Mind Makeover
Successful people rarely resemble the person that they once were. They are constantly educating themselves and gaining experience that will lead them to the goals they desire. They truly understand the importance of acquiring greater skill sets, which in turn gives them a confidence boost and greater self-worth.
They live by the words of ‘renewing their minds’. These entrepreneurs know this is the key to their transformation and growth.
#7 Focus
This characteristic is what I have found to be the most important when it comes to entrepreneurial success.
Once you have awakened to the possibilities of success, you also realize the many opportunities that abound. And it is easy to allow yourself to become scattered.
Successful people develop the ability to focus and concentrate to maximize their resources and forces.

4 Legendary Entrepreneurs Will Show You The Secret To Succeed Online!!!

I hope you get value from this post 

Friday, April 19, 2019

Audience Engagement Strategies - Master The 3 C's

Every good business owner whether you are online or offline you will need marketing plan and strategies to get customers in the door and keep them coming back for more of what you offer.
below are three tools to master if you want to keep you audience engage with you.

Audience Engagement Strategies -The 3 C's To Master To Get Then Engage Starting Today!!

Content -Is King! Just make sure your content always helps/service your customers.
Creativity- Make it your own
Consistency-Post often 

For more free tips and tools look here

Ask for feedback.

Whether customers have a good or bad opinion about your business, they will make their feelings known. Invite customer feedback to show you are listening. Place comment cards on your business counter, or conduct a survey.
Customer feedback helps you hone your customers’ specific needs so you can find the best solutions to their problems. The better your offering meets their needs, the more your business will grow.
Always listen carefully to comments and respond promptly, whether it’s a compliment or a complaint. The worst thing you can do is ask for feedback then not address concerns. Even negative feedback is valuable and can give you an honest gauge of customer satisfaction.


With technology, there are more ways to begin conversations with your customers than ever before. There are many online tools and social media outlets you can use to reach customers.
When you engage with customers online, be careful not to create a one-way conversation. Ask customers questions, and respond to their inquiries.
Also, make sure your website is top-notch, and start a blog to engage your customers and prospects. Build customer relationships through your online presence.

 Show appreciation.

Reward long-time customers with a loyalty discount program. You can hand out reward cards, or use a loyalty program app to track customer rewards.
With a loyalty program, customers earn points for buying your goods or services. After earning a certain number of points, the customer gets a reward. For example, you could reward a customer with a discount on their next purchase.

I hope you got value from this post 

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

How To Build A Business From The Ground Up

Build a business for free here

If you want to work for yourself, starting a company is a great idea. But how do you do this? It can be challenging, but you can increase your chances of making it big thanks to these tips.
If done correctly, your business will be booming quickly.

Tip 1) Market It
In order for people to be aware of your company, you need to market it to as many people as possible. This doesn’t have to be challenging if you get help from a marketing agency.
These companies can help you identify a target audience to market to. This increases your chances of having a marketing campaign that people are receptive to.
Marketing agencies can also help you make appealing commercials, so people will know what your company sells or what services are offered. more training here


 7 Keys to the mindset of a successful entrepreneur
Guild To E-Mail Marketing 

How to start a business with zero out of pocket

Tip 2) Gain Capital
Getting your company off and running can be difficult, but you can make it if you gain capital to pay for everything. In order to gain capital starting out, you can apply for a loan.
This process can be length, so it’s important to have patience. Ideally, you should try getting a loan from a bank in your area.
See what their interest rates are and talk with a financial professional to see what makes sense for your business.

Tip 3) Get Help From Phone Answering Services
One of the most important aspects of any business is keeping in touch with your customers. This doesn’t have to be that difficult if you get help from a professional phone answering company.
These companies give you access to operators, who will take all of your calls. Each one of your customers will be talked to in a professional manner.

This is important because it will make customers want to come back and do business with your company again.

Budgeting Tips For Your New Business

When you are new in business, it can be difficult to think of where to save money or how to keep your costs low. You want to get your business started so you
 eventually start shelling money out here and there in an attempt to get everything going quickly.
Instead of doing that, learn how to budget properly and you will notice that you are keeping more money in your pocket and your company is bleeding less.
Below, I will go over some tips to help you budget
for your business.

1. First things first, KNOW your expenses. You cannot
budget if you have no idea how much your
is spending. This means that you need to write
everything that is essential and everything that is an
Your essentials will be power, rent, property taxes, water,
so on. Additional expenses are things like supplies, food,
2. Now you need to sit down and create a cash flow chart for
business. It needs to be realistic so that you can see where
is coming from and where it is going. Bluffing your chart can
to problems later on down the road when you truly want answers.
3. Next, you should eliminate as much debt as you can. If you
have debt, you will be a slave to it forever so now is the time
just get rid of it. Pay it off as you can and avoid adding anymore
than you need to.
4. Lastly, set your profits aside and avoid dipping into them as
as you can. If you end up spending all of your profits, you will
need to take on debt and the cycle starts over again.
If you are looking for some budgeting tips for your business, the
four c an help you. You want to make sure you are providing
business with the necessities and then being sparse when it

to the over indulgence.

I hope you get value from this post

Thursday, April 11, 2019

WHY? Are So Many Online Business Failing

WHY? Are So Many Online Business owners Failing before they get started good.
3 Important Tips here

It's important that you are  doing everything  you can in order to get your company up and running in the most efficient manner. Part of that is making sure that you are investing in a solid internet marketing plan. To help you do that, you will want to make sure that you are getting the assistance from a professional mentor so one who is where you want to be. Why is this so important though?
 Money On The Internet

1.The main reason this is so important is because you are going to be able to make use of their years of expertise in the business. He or she will have discovered what techniques will work the best because they have tried and failed at some of the others. They will have seen not only what works, but what works the fastest and that is almost guaranteed to give you the best results.

2.Another reason you might want to hire a professional for the job is to give yourself a little more time for other things.
 Trying to handle all of the internet marketing on your own just might be a little too much for you to handle – at least at first. Trying to learn the ropes of internet marketing while trying to run all of the other aspects of your business might be a little too much at first. After all, you are still going to want to have a little time for yourself. This way, you can spend some quality time with the friends and family that are important to you and count on you.

3 Just make sure that you are doing your best to research the company or individual that you are thinking of hiring for the job. This way, you are not getting someone that is literally as brand new to this as you are. After all, what would be the point then? Ask for references. Take a look at their portfolio. Ask them for a brief breakdown of exactly how they have helped companies that are similar to yours and what their rough plan for your internet marketing would be.

5 Epic Ways To launch A Business Online

How to launch you business fast  see here

How to Launch Your 1st Online With Zero Experience

One of the first things you can do, to launch your business  with little experience can be to set up some social media accounts for your business. That is where a lot of your costumer are hanging out any way.
 You will then want to make sure that you are spending a little bit of time throughout the week interacting with the people that like your page. Simply setting up the page and walking away is not going to cut it because people will forget about you. They are also not likely to view you as an authority figure in the field that you are in. If you are tight on time, you can always have a friend, family member, or even an employee work on your social media pages throughout the week. Since we are only talking maybe an hour or two of work a week, this should not be a hard thing to do.


valuable insightful

Then you will want to make sure that you are offering valuable and insightful content on a website that is ran for your company. Whether you set up the website on your own or you get help with it – it is all about keeping it up to date with fresh evergreen content that will show your potential clients or customers that you are the person to go to when they need a little help. A little bit of knowledge and sharing that knowledge can really go a long way!

Being able to get more traffic to your website is important for you to be successful. Knowing the ways to accomplish this goal is important for any virtual business.

Create Content
Writing articles and blog posts is an ideal way for you to get your website noticed. You will need to put a link in these that goes to your web page to get the success you want.
Start your own business from home
It’s important for any content that you do create to be informative and well-written, or you may not get the readers you want to have.
Take the time to provide information that is helpful and can be used to help make your readers’ lives easier. This is sure to help you get more traffic to your site.

Use Keywords
The placement of keywords throughout your web page and any content you create is paramount to getting the right amount of traffic to your site.
These keywords should be strategically placed and planned out to assist you with getting the results that you want.
It’s ideal to use only use the keywords of your choosing sporadically throughout your content to avoid it looking too stuffed.
Take the time to think keyword placement through well to ensure your content gets noticed and not the keywords.

Use Social Media
These day’s people are online and checking out the latest updates on any products or services that you may offer.
Social media can be your best friend when it comes to helping you get more traffic to your business and is by far one of the most used ways online to assist businesses in growing.
Consider adding a Facebook page that represents your website well and provides information that any potential buyers will want to know.
This could include some of the products you have for sale or the services you’re providing. Take the time to add posts routinely to assist you in attracting more customers.
Additionally, Twitter is an ideal way to send out updates and alert your potential and current customers to all of the items you’re offering for sale.

Hire an SEO Expert
Search engine optimization (SEO) is by far the most effective way to get the traffic you want to your web site.
This will employ a variety of methods, including some of the ones listed above to aid your business in achieving the success you want.
It’s ideal to rely on a person who is an expert in this field who knows all of the right methods for helping you get your virtual business to where you want it to be.

You can have success with your online business when you take the time to know what to do. It’s important to get the Internet surfers to your website, and then you will have the chance of making a sale!

Operating an online business will require time and effort. There are certain to be many things you must get completed each day to make the amount of income you want.

  1. Write copy that sells.
  2. Design and build an easy-to-use website.
  3. Use search engines to drive traffic to your site.
  4. Establish an expert reputation for yourself.
  5. Follow up with your customers and subscribers with email

Monday, April 8, 2019

7 Exit Planning Strategies Before Quieting Your Job

Are  you  a entrepreneur at heart or are you  just starting out as an entrepreneur  if you are still  working your 9-5 this post is design for you.
WHY? I want to be clear I think anyone who desire freedom from the daily grin of a job should be working around the clock to make your dreams a reality.
 I started doing to prepare myself to leave my job or as I like to call my exit plan Unless you are rich you need a plan because bills will be due.I turned to the internet THIS MAY NOT BE RIGHT FOR YOU!!

7 Exit Planning Strategies Before Quieting Your Job and Starting a Business Online

1. Have an Online Presence
I don't care how old school you are. You need to be visible online. No one is using the phone book anymore. When they need something, from plumbing to somewhere to eat, they are going to jump online.

They're going to check Yelp, they're going to look at websites and they are going to make their decision from there. Don't rely on foot traffic. Have a website ready for them to see what you're all about.

2. Have a Social Media Presence
It's awesome to have a website, but you definitely want to take it a step further. Make sure that you are visible on social media.
Depending on the business that you have, you may want to utilize different forms of social media. Figure out what will give you the most exposure and hit it hard.

3. Word of Mouth
Encourage your customers to spread the word about your business. Even the simple suggestion of them getting the word out can be enough. If you can, give them an incentive to spread the word.
Always give them the best service, every time and they will want to tell everyone around them to check out your place.

4. Be Visible
You want your brand to be everywhere. Sponsor local events, make sure your sign is visible, print out shirts...do whatever it takes to be visible.
You want everyone to know that you're around and you want to create a buzz. Having your name out there will put it on people's tongues and in their mind, which will lead them to choose you over your competitors.

Starting a search engine optimization campaign is the most effective way in the early stages of starting a business to get yourself noticed.
Search engine optimization, or SEO, is a way of assigning keywords to your site. Picking the correct keywords will make sure that those who want to find you will.
Picking more popular but irrelevant keywords will get your business page traffic but will not convert this traffic into customers.
This will raise your place on a search engine list, but at what cost?
Using relevant keywords and networking within your niche will ensure that you will be notice and by the right people.

6.Create a relationship
Many business owners are more focused on the transaction instead of the customer. Many customers are accustomed to this kind of relationship, but creating a relationship with your clients before the transaction occurs can really make your business stand out to them.
Understanding what your customers want and creating a relationship will not only cause your business to be noticed but also bring customers back.

7. Create a blog
It doesn’t hurt any business to start up a social media page or a blog on their front page.
Having a blog will make the experience more personal and involve the visitors more in whatever endeavors are taking place.
Creating a blog or another social platform will help not only to get your business noticed but include the visitors and convert them into customers.
Knowing the tactics to get customers to notice your business will help greatly in the future its success.
Forming a personal relationship with these visitors will convert them into customers and that is the most important part of being noticed.

WITH-IN 24 hours or less ,4 simple techniques to making money online

Lets be real before you can start to make money you need to know a few things or you are going to fall flat on you face.. In  today  post I...